Isn't it easy to forget that "holiday" isn't just another word for "vacation day"? Our "holy days" can be wholly consumed by the hustle and bustle of creating the picture-perfect atmosphere, with all the right gifts, treats, and decor. Of course, it's a gift just to have time to rest, to be with our families, and to keep special traditions alive. But there's more!
Advent is an invitation to remember that God became one of us, to taste anew the reality that God is with us and will never leave us, and to yearn for Jesus' return as only those who have tasted his goodness can. Come join us for an afternoon of poetry, storytelling, music, and quiet to help us enter into Advent centered in our gracious Lord.
Light refreshments will be served. We will be in the beautiful Chapel at Missionhurst in Arlington, Virginia.
Here is a basic outline of the afternoon:
1:00 - Arrive and get settled at Missionhurst
1:30 - Picturing past wonders: Jesus came.
Narrative, Poetic, and Musical pictures to make the past feel real (curated by Danny)
2:30 - Break
2:45 - Tasting today: Jesus is here, now.
Reflections on Contemplation---seeing things the way they are.
Guided time of prayer (led by Danny)
3:30 - Alone time together, with God
4:15 - Yearning yet more: Jesus' advent-to-come.
To know him is to want to know him more (reflection by Danny)
Giving the gift of our yearning to Jesus.
5:00 -- Depart in Peace
Please feel free to email our Community Minister, Danny Nasry ( with any questions!