Corhaven Beauty for Ballast Celebration

09/29/2023 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM ET


  • Free


Corhaven Retreat Center
2883 Quicksburg Rd
Quicksburg, VA 22847



We are very excited to announce that we have planned a sacred art-filled celebration marking the relaunching of Corhaven as a full fledged retreat center!

We want to offer you an opportunity to celebrate with us! Save the date and register for Friday September 29th, Beauty for Ballast featuring, among other artistic expressions, music from The Early Church Community and The Soil & The Seed Project. 


Bring a lawn chair and your favorite beverage!


**Suggested Donation: $25 per person (In-Person and Online Donating Available)**



** We believe that finances should never be a barrier to anyone who wants to pursue God through the programs and resources we offer. So, when we say "Suggested Donation," we really mean it- it's a donation. The Lord has always been faithful to provide for our financial needs through those who feel led to support offerings like these by giving at or above the recommendaed donation levels, or simply by financially supporting our work. If that is you, we are so very grateful!